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Let Us Cross

Are you ready?

Crossing the Chasm

“The Chasm” is the feared period between the genious idea, your first customers, … but the accelerated growth is not achieved. 

Where is your mistake? In order to cross this chasm, you’ll need to make adjustments to your product, your marketing or your sales. Together with your team and your product, we will look for the winning combination.

Crossing the Ocean

A boat, a team, a goal and the guts to do it. Many call you crazy, but experienced sailors encourage you. Plenty of similarities with entrepreneurships.

You can’t change the boat, but you can tweak your sails. You don’t throw your team in the water, but you can empower them with better leadership. The goal is defined, but you take into account the whims of the market.

Let Us Cross the Ocean: your goal, your team and your product. Are you ready?

Who is Luc?

Luc De Heyn. Proud father of M & C and avid cyclist. Triathlons and marathons used to be a thing as well, with the New York Marathon as my personal favorite. Sailing, windsurfing, snowboarding, … I’m happy to be outside. 

+ Master in Photonic Engineering – UGent
+ Strategic B2B Marketing – Vlerick Business School
+ Started as developer, rolled into Business Development, Business Unit Manager and today I am Chief Commercial Officer.

I translate your offering to the market, with the optimized marketing and sales strategy.
I translate the market feedback to your product vision.
I can coach and train, or lead your team.

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